“We cannot become what we want to be, by remaining what we are”
- Max De Pree
offers telehealth appointments
For your convenience and accessibility, all video sessions will be held through a HIPAA compliant (and easy-to-use!) telehealth platform.
currently accepting new clients
If you are ready to take the next steps toward healing yourself and creating a life that brings you joy, reach out for a free 15 minute consultation call!
accepts online payment methods
Currently accepting payment via Zelle or by credit card to make transactions simple. All major credit cards accepted.
My approach
I specialize in treating teens and adults who struggle with anxiety, daily life stressors, body image concerns, and negative self-talk.
I use a personalized approach to help you recognize your own strengths, overcome perfectionistic mindsets, and implement healthier ways to cope with life’s challenges. Together, we will work to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence, which will significantly enhance your ability to cope with stressors and thrive in your daily life.
I will provide you with a supportive, nonjudgmental space to freely express and process your emotions. Through therapy, you will gain a deeper sense of self-awareness surrounding your patterns and begin to learn how to approach life in a more balanced way.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen”
- Brené Brown